Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is relevant, is not allways interesting.

So, I'm just going to make a blog post about making a blog post.

Also, you might have noticed that I missed Monday. Sorry about that, I was planning something for next week. :D

So as I've been coming to realize, blogging is something that if you want to do right you need to know what your going to write about before you start writing. Sounds pretty obvious, but it's not as simple as just knowing what your going to be writing about, it's also got a lot to do with planning out the structure of said post.

So, that's interesting.

Anyways, so I guess if you guys wanted to know I'm going to attempt to make art for the next blog post. I think once I get this structured Mondays are going to be stories with pictures and Thursdays are going to be whatever is on my mind. Once I know what you guys like more I will stick with that.

Also, even if you can tell my what you think via some chat deal, feel free to comment, E-mail me, and what have you. Also tell your friends.

So today post was lazy and not very well thought out, clearly, but I was just trying to help you guys get an idea of what I'd like. Which is mostly to know what you like. So yeah. I... I guess I will just be over here doing things.

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