Thursday, June 2, 2011

Musically Inquired

I'm fairly positive that at one point in nearly everybody's life they think to themselves that they are going to try and write a song, or make music of any kind. This is true, at least, for me. I have long wanted to make at least one song and share it with the masses. Only problem is, I'm mostly tone deaf so I have never ventured on this endeavor, and more then likely never really will.

Why then write about it, you ask? Well, I recently stumbled upon this strange table top item that is for the most part revolutionary for DJ's. This thing is called the Reactable and it pretty much makes all other DJ stations look like they are outdated. It uses a touch screen and objects referred to as pucks and cubes to send your computer signals that can do pretty much anything you could do in other mixer programs. The unique part of this is the musicians ability to quickly maneuver the cubes onto different surfaces changing the track entirely.

I haven't actually gotten a chance to play with one of these, but by the looks of this, if you have ever wanted to DJ, make music or even just annoy your parents this seems to be the ultimate tool. Now of course there is one set back. It costs about $15,000 dollars to purchase one and have it sent to your home. I'm not entirely sure of the all the tech that goes into this, but I'm sure that there is quite a bit of mark up there.

In the end this is a product that I would much rather try out before I buy it. However, seeing as how the company is stationed in Europe somewhere I doubt I will ever get the chance. Not to say I would ever buy one in the first place, as I am musically slow.

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